Links for cat lovers
Haus Panther is a must for any cat lover who also enjoys good design. Run by Kate Benjamin, style expert the site focuses on values very similar to what I try to achieve. “Our greater mission is to spread the word about how good design can enhance the way we live with cats, improving our lives and the lives of our beloved feline companions.”
I’ve been following this site for many many years and consider it the ultimate site to go to for good cat products. I was absolutely honored when Kate wrote a post about my cat bed. You can read it here.
Fundamentally Feline
Run by cat behaviourist Ingrid Johnson, is an excellent resource on cat foraging toys and tips to improve your cat’s life. She is generous with her many videos on foraging toys, feline how to’s, and cat training. She also offers consultation services for improving both cats and cat owners lives. Although I have never met her in person, her goals once again line up with mine, and I can tell that she focuses on the meaningful changes that improve a cats life.
ASPCA Plant toxicity database
Before you buy a new plant, google the plant name and the words ‘toxic to cats’. The most reliable site that should pop up first is the ASPCA plant database. As a plant lover and pet parent to a cat that likes to sample plants around the house, I’m very careful to vet any plant before I purchase it. Not all cats will chew on plants but it’s better to be safe rather than sorry, and have to deal with the stress of a sick cat and a pricey vet bill.